News and Events
Two seconded researchers from IMech-BAS (Dr. Dzihan Menseidov and Polya Angelova, PhD student), and two from NanoTechLab (Dr. Evgeni Ivanov and Dr. Vladimir Georgiev), together with Rosa di Maio (ESR from IPCB-CNR), have participated in the 17th Western China Overseas High tech And High Talents Conference (OHTC), September 10 - 12, 2018, organized in two big cities, Chengdu and Ludzhu, in China. We are thankful to Prof. Hesheng Xia from Sichuan University (our TC partner), who has organized this important dissemination activity of the Graphene 3D project.
Plenary Presentation:
Dr. Polina Kuzhir: Graphene/polymer based passive microwave-thz devices
Poster Presentation:
E. Ivanov, R. Kotsilkova, R. Di Maio, C. Silvestre, S. Cimmino, H. Xia, Y. Chen, P. Lamberti, G. Spinelli, V. Tucci, M. Lavorgna
PLA/graphene/mwcnt composites with improved electrical and thermal properties for 3D printing applications.
Book of Abstracts Pictures
The first MB/MC meeting will be organized on 17-21 July 2017 at IMech-BAS, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Topics: “6th month Progress Report, the WP2 results, and the next planning”.
Agenda Pictures from the event
On 09 June 2017, a Seminar at IMech-BAS was organized with Prof. Philippe Lambin (UNamur) and Dr. Geovanni Spinelli (UniSa), seconded under Graphene 3D project at NanoTechLab Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria. Discussion was performed on the first project results and planning.
Agenda, Pictures from the event
A lot of very productive events were organized at the State Key Laboratory on Polymer Materials Engineering, Polymer Research Institute, Sichuan University (SKLPME-SICHUAN) in Chengdu, China, during the secondments of the Graphene 3D project coordinator in May 01-31, 2017.
The Graphene 3D project flyer is prepared and could now be downloaded.
On 15 February 2017, five partners (IPCB-CNR, NARRANDO, UNISA, IMech-BAS and NanoTechLab) have discussed about the choose of the materials of interest to be synthesized, characterized and included in the Graphene 3D project for further design of 3D printing materials. The discussion focused on the suitable graphene and carbon nanotubes modifications, different types, degree of purity and the required materials characterization. The meeting was organized at IPCB-CNR in Portici, Italy. Agenda
The Graphene3D Project web site is now launched. It will contain general information for the Project, News on upcoming events, pictures and documents from past events, very useful Secondments table, Events Calendar, etc. Come and visit it often!
Kick off meeting of the Graphene3D Project was held on 24-25 January 2017 in Brussels, Belgium. (Agenda) (Pictures from the event)